Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Vocabulary Games

     The past couple of weeks we have been playing games with our E.L.A. vocabulary words.  My goal is for the students to be engaged in their learning.  When students are engaged they are more likely to remember the content because it has meaning to them.  With this being said, the past couple of weeks we have introduced new vocabulary games.  Last week we played a game where they have a vocabulary word on their backs and their classmates have to help them figure out their vocabulary word without telling them the word.  This means they have to understand the word in order to describe it properly without saying "the word." Also, it requires the person with the word on their back to have an understanding of the different vocabulary words.
    This week we introduced another vocabulary game where the students have a partner and have to work together to get through all of their vocabulary words.  The partners sit back to back and one person has a vocabulary sheet in front of them.  The partner with the vocabulary sheet in front of them has to describe the word to their partner (without saying the word or parts of the word) and then the partner has to say the vocabulary word they are describing.  The first team to get through all of the words win. 
     We will continue to play these vocabulary games throughout the year.  My hope is by keeping the students engaged they will incorporate these vocabulary words in their daily lives and apply the words while reading and writing😊  .

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Track and Field Day

Track and Field Day:  Friday, June 1st at 12:30